A filthy plot twist…

Which sucks, but is needed to hear.

Every spectacular failure we’ve had, and every dumpster fire in our world is – plot twist – our own fault.

So I’ve been thumbing through Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink

For the 4th time and honestly when you look at it this way…

When the proverbial doo doo hits the equally proverbial fan, you better drag your ass to the nearest mirror and ask yourself “What kind of spectacular jackassery did I commit to contribute to this mess?” instead of pointing fingers like some blame-throwing circus performer.

It’s the re-frame you need and a reminder again, that every steaming pile of failure in your life, every underperforming team member, and every “why me” moment exists because YOU allowed it to exist.

Just like how I could’ve written a wall of text novel/essay on why my ass got the boot off of my previous platform…

Except I sucked it up and just cracked on.

I found a place where at least my words and ideas are safe.

(Until I do or say something that probably gets me slapped about again)

Although if that does happen, well guess what?

It’s my fault.

And yes you might say that it is, or will be exhausting if you put the blame on yourself for everything that has happened in your life.

I’d say that’s also true and a valid reasoning…

But and it’s a big butt cause I like big butts…

(I’m sorry that play on words was so bad. Feel free to unsubscribe)

You can only blame your circumstances for so long.

You just need to own whatever it is sometimes and then do the dirty work to get ahead.

Why do you think I enjoy trolling people who love politics so much?

It’s always the opposite party’s fault.

Not THEIR party. THEIR party is clean and full of perfection (lol)

Anyways. Grab the book and listen to Jocko. Dude has been around the block a few times and the stories in there are absolutely nuts.

Stephen Walker


