Ooooh boy it’s been non stop lately.
(Sorry 6 exclamation marks in a single email. I think I’ve used up my exclamation mark quota for the next 3 years)
Now that the dust has kinda settled in regards to all of the political insanity.
Out come the posts baiting the death of Twitter because of BlueSky.
BlueSky the new kid on the block. The bright shiny object people can flock to because they can’t live in their own bubble of delusion anymore…
The thing is. I’m all for equal expression of ideas and thoughts and whenever a platform becomes a little one sided. That’s where the toxicity starts to bleed all over the place.
(On top of that. marketers ruin everything btw)
Now if you’re a nerd for the market like I am.
You’re probably gonna see headlines and ads to this effect:
Is Twitter Dead? Shift Your Social Media Game to BlueSky Now!
Join the Winners: Leave Twitter Behind, Embrace BlueSky Today!
Adapt or Die: Twitter’s Out, BlueSky Is the New Social Playground!
The Future of Social Is Here: Forget Twitter, BlueSky Is Calling!
Stay Ahead: Twitter Is Yesterday, BlueSky Is Today and Tomorrow!
Or if you like the whole Us Vs Them take, which you often see in politics:
Don’t Be Left Behind: Be a Part of ‘Us’ on BlueSky, Not ‘Them’ on Twitter!
Join ‘Us’ on BlueSky: Don’t Fall Behind ‘Them’ Stuck on Twitter!
It’s ‘Us’ (BlueSky) Vs ‘Them’ (Twitter): Choose Wisely!
Us’ on BlueSky Vs ‘Them’ on Twitter: Be on the Winning Side!
Stand with ‘Us’ on BlueSky, Don’t Get Lost with ‘Them’ on Twitter!
I’m sure you get the drift and yes I might’ve exaggerated them a little bit but this is just going to be the start.
It’s that type of polarity that has will always be around when people who have had their identities shook up.
It feels like they’ve lost their “Home”
So a new platform comes in all shiny-like and promises to the light that will keep the safe.
Pretending that they truly care for you.
(They don’t)
That is why, I’ve always advocated if you’re a creative of any sort. Writer, artist or musician or just someone who likes to share their ideas with the world. This right here. An old fashioned email is where it’s at.
It feels like we’re sitting across from each other. One on one. Shooting the breeze while having a drink.
(Yes I got myself booted off of a platform for not pandering to their politics, but at least I managed to save my contacts and I could move on…)
These new platforms that pop up trying to derail the already established ones come and go. They even get exposed for even more nefarious things but that’s a topic for a different type of conspiracy theory…
All I’m saying is that you should be building your platform outside of social media platforms.
Luckily everyone who reads my emails are amazing people and are always willing to be exposed to new ideas and just share whatever is on their minds and their hearts.
And once I’ve fixed all of the kinds of my new site there will be some goodies scattered on there for you to absorb into your minds.
So just remember. Even if it’s new and shiny. It isn’t always going to be the best. Established places stick around for a long time even if you don’t like the direction it’s going in and on top of that. You’re more in control if you own your little slice of the internet with your fans, be it in email or any other way that you have full ownership of it.
Stephen Walker